Paris Region is the most attractive region for the creation of film music, in particular thanks to its numerous infrastructures and unique equipments in France.
Discover the Orchestre National d'Île-de-France.
Orchestre national d'Île-de-France, a singular instrument
Made up of 95 musicians, residing at the Philharmonie de Paris, the Orchestre national d'Île-de-France gives concerts throughout Paris Region in the most various of venues (gymnasiums, school halls, theaters…) and enables people to experience a repertoire spanning 4 centuries. The Orchestra enjoys regular collaborations with international chefs and soloists, and includes contemporary creations in its programs.
It is therefore perfectly fit to record all kind of music and adapt to any director. A specific collective contract commits musicians to producing film and series music at a set affordable price. Do not hesitate to ask for a proforma here.
Maison of the Orchestre national d'Île-de-France
The “Home” of the Orchestre national d’Île-de-France was built in 1996 by the architect Paul Eric Vogel, and the acoustics was conceived by Albert Xu.
It is constituted of rehearsal rooms, a lounge for musicians to rest and lunch, musical instrument storage and administrative offices.
It is a perfect set for scenes related to music production. Of course, you can shoot office scenes before, during or after your presence in the premises, whether linked to orchestra scenes or not. Check here for further details.

Mathieu Lamboley, a succesful film music composer
Pianist and composer, graduated from the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris where he obtained 5 first Prizes, Mathieu Lamboley wrote his first film score "Les oreilles n'ont pas de paupières" at the age of 25 and received the Best Soundtrack Grand Prize.
Since then, Mathieu Lamboley has been composing for feature films such as “Libre et Assoupi” (Free and asleep) by Benjamin Guedj, for the animation with "Minuscule 2" by Thomas Szabo and Hélène Giraud and recently for series like "Lupin" produced by Netflix.
An emblematic aspect of his music is the presence of strong melodic themes. He composes recognizable motifs that he treats with elegance and orchestral richness à la Debussy or Ravel, inscribing him in the lineage of the French school. He sets himself apart, however, by a search for modernization of the genre revisiting, for example, the orchestra with new textures and mixtures of original styles. He enjoys working with the Orchestre national d’Île-de-France and recording at its Studio.
Lupin, music helping revisit the tale
The success of a series is based on recurring characters, on a strong scenario, stunning decors but also, and often very much so, on rich sound sustaining a scenario and often being the element which helping grasp the depth, gravity and meaning of a scene.
An orchestra with a full variety of instruments, especially when 95 musicians are gathered under the baton of a conductor, offers a wide range of possibilities to illustrate feelings.
In Lupin, the main character goes through a lot and the symphonic music is enhancing the contrast between the hero as a father, as a thieve or as an avenger. It helps the viewer distinguish the three registers while maintaining the unity of the character.
L’Orchestre national d’Ile-de-France is superbly adapted to such a task since it prides itself with the regular creation of new works of living composers.
The Studio, a permanently updated tool
The Studio offers optimal conditions to record your music just on the outskirt of Paris.
The equipment is constantly updated to meet the most demanding requirements of international music composers.
You benefit of unique spaces, acoustically renovated for clear and precise recording to ensure comfortable working conditions for musicians, the two rooms of the Maison de l’Orchestre communicating and being modularable.
The Studio can be used to record a film score with the musicians of the Orchestra, ensuring a controlled budget for the production including:
• the musicians broadcasting rights,
• a fixed technical fee including the installation of the stage, sound balancing, recording, editing and mixing
A team of special technicians and assistant sound engineers is on hand to assist you (technical coordinator, librarian).
Minuscule 2, music by Mathieu Lamboley, Le Voyage du Prince, music by Chirstophe Héral, Le silence de Sibel, music by Jean-Michel Bellaiche, The Sonata, music by . among many others have been recorded at the Studio.
Some of the composers are eager to come back, enjoying the technic, the staff and the confort of The Maison de l'Orchestre. A real must in Paris region.