• Legal Notices

Legal Notices

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By continuing to browse this site, you accept the following terms and conditions of use without reservation. The current online version of these terms and conditions of use is the only one enforceable for the duration of use of the site and until a new version replaces it.

Domain name


Site publisher  

Choose Paris Region 

2 rue Simone Veil, 93400 Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine

E-mail address: contact@filmparisregion.com 

1901 Associations Law 

Site host  


1501 route des Dolines - 06560 Sophia Antipolis  

+33(0)4 93 34 34 72  


Graphic design and creation of the site  

Softeam Agency 

21 avenue Victor Hugo, 75016 Paris, France 

+33(0)1 44 71 86 57 


Publishing Director  

Publishing Director: Baptiste Orlandini, Managing Director of Choose Paris Region 

Publishing Co-Director: Rémi Bergues, Managing Director of the Choose Paris Region subsidiary and Deputy Managing Director of Choose Paris Region

Homepage illustration 

The Header of the Home page is an original creation by artist Hélène Builly, represented by the company Costume3pièces.com 

This illustration is subject to copyright and only Choose Paris Region has the rights to use and distribute it. No reproduction or distribution of the work by a third party is authorized.


Website functions 

The main function of the Film Paris Region website is to inform French and foreign film and audiovisual professionals wishing to produce or shoot in the Paris region. 

It provides them with specific information and tools developed by Choose Paris Region, including:

  • A freely accessible Resource guide, listing audiovisual service providers located in the Paris Region.
  • A Paris Region locations database that can be used as sets by film professionals. The images in this database are freely accessible, however some additional information (location and contact) are reserved for users with professional access to the "Locations" database hosted by Film France, and accessible from the iframe on our site.
  • A professional account allowing the registered user to access resources necessary for the preparation of a film shoot in the Paris region (regulatory information, practical tools, contact information for public institutions), survey results and other dedicated professional documents. The professional user undertakes to inform Film Paris Region of any unauthorized use of his/her access details to the professional area. The user is solely responsible for the consequences of the communication of his/her login details to third parties. 
  • An agenda providing information on events organized by Choose Paris Region and its partners or events in which Choose Paris Region is participating. This information can be accessed freely or securely (via your professional account). The calendar allows users to register online. 

Copyright and use of site content   

The entire website and its contents are subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents, iconographic and photographic representations, database elements (in particular the Resource Guide and the Location database), denominative and/or semi-figurative trademarks and domain names.

Consequently, they cannot be reproduced totally or partially without the express authorization of their author. This would constitute an act of counterfeit within the meaning of the code of the intellectual property.

Limitation of liability  

Choose Paris Region makes every effort to ensure the proper functioning and computer security of the website as well as the accuracy and updating of the information disseminated on it. However, Choose Paris Region cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information available on this site.

Consequently, Choose Paris Region cannot be held responsible:

  • for any inaccuracy, imprecision or omission relating to information available on the site; 
  • in the event of impossibility of access to the site and/or use of the services; 
  • for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences, caused by the access of anyone to the site or the impossibility of accessing it, as well as the use of the site and/or the credence given to any information coming directly or indirectly from it.

Choose Paris Region authorizes other sites to set up hyperlinks to www.filmparisregion.com under certain conditions:

  • Any use for commercial or advertising purposes is strictly forbidden. 
  • The authorization to set up a link is valid for any support, with the exception of those diffusing information of a polemical, pornographic or xenophobic nature or which may, to a greater extent, offend the sensibilities of the majority of people.

Hypertext links

The website may contain information provided by external companies or hyperlinks to other websites that have not been developed by Choose Paris Region. 

The presence on the website of links to other sites does not constitute a validation of these sites or their content. Choose Paris Region cannot be held responsible for the information, opinions or recommendations provided by these third party sites.

Protection of personal data 

See the privacy policy

Use of cookies  

See the cookies policy