© Hugues-Marie DUCLOS - RIDF
© Hugues-Marie DUCLOS - RIDF
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  • About us

About us

  • Pro

The Paris Region Film Commission was created in 2004. In 2019, it became part of Choose Paris Region, Paris Region's international attractiveness and promotion agency, under the brand name Film Paris Region.

Its missions are to:

the Image industry through the organization of professional meetings and collaborative initiatives.

the Paris region ecosystem to national and international production companies in order to increase the number of projects in the region.

French and foreign productions wishing to develop their projects in one of the richest ecosystems in the world.

Thanks to its in-depth knowledge of the film and audiovisual sectors and its close ties with industry players and the region, Film Paris Region has privileged access to 

  • Financing solutions suitable for all types of projects
  • Experienced executive producers
  • An exceptional range of sets, from the most iconic to the most alternative
  • Dedicated service providers throughout the film production process
  • Top-notch technical teams and renowned talent
  • International VFX and post production companies
equipe Film Paris Region © Yann Rabanier / Film Paris Region
© Crédit : Yann Rabanier / Film Paris Region

Are you a foreign professional looking for information about producing your next film or series in the Paris region?

Get in touch with your privileged contact at Film Paris Region :

International promotion manager


Who are we? 

Film Paris Region Manager
Institutional relations manager

Projet manager, events and sets


Production support :

Production support manager

Project manager, sets and counties

Elizabeth LOMBREY
Production support officer


Gender Equality

Choose Paris Region has been awarded an overall score of 89 points out of 100 for the gender equality index in 2025, compared with 87 points out of 100 in 2024. The "pay gap" indicator showed a slight decline. Choose Paris Region is continuing its commitment to reducing this gap, and to developing gender diversity and equal opportunities for all, throughout their professional careers.

The law for the freedom to choose one's professional future, which was adopted on August 1, 2018, requires companies to publish their gender equality index annually. This obligation aims to reduce any wage discrepancies that may exist between the genders.

The index takes into consideration 4 criteria that are calculated over a total of 100 points:

Pay gap (29/40): This indicator shows the difference between men's and women's average pay.

Raise gap (35/35): This indicator compares the percentage of women and men who received a proportional raise during the year.

Number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 highest earners (10/10)): This indicator calculates the gender parity among the 10 highest-paid employees.

Percentage of employees who received a raise in the year following their return from maternity leave ( 15/15)