8 Jul. 2021 9 Jul. 2021 -
In partnership with the Institut français, the Cannes Film Market, the BIEF, and Film Paris Région, the SCELF is organizing the eighth edition of Shoot the Book!, which will take place during the Festival de Cannes 2021.
July 8 - 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm
Pitches : Starting in the fall, publishers are called upon to submit potential literary works. An international jury of professionals in the audiovisual industry selects the ten books with the strongest adaptation potential. These ten titles are then presented by their publishers to an audience of audiovisual professionals. Each pitch is followed by an onstage conversation between the publisher and the moderator, which further enlivens the pitching sessions and makes the event even more interesting for producers.
July 9 - 10.00 am to 1.00 pm
Thanks to the initiative of publishers who are part of the SCELF and the Institut français, Shoot the Book! was further developed in 2019 to create the Shoot the Book! Rendezvous, B2B meetings during which publishers and producers delineate the international adaptation market together.
International Market for Literary Adaptation