On Wednesday, November 27, 2020, the films of two talented French directors were released in theaters portraying two singular women: The Perfect Nanny by Lucie Borleteau, adapted from the book by Leïla Slimani (Goncourt Prize 2016), and Proxima by Alice Winocour.
Backed by our team, the two films benefited from the Paris Region's support fund and allowed for the mobilization of many qualified professionals from the film industry and several Paris Region post-production companies.
The Perfect Nanny
The Perfect Nanny, produced by Pascal Cocheteux and Grégoire Sorlat for Why Not Productions received 340,000 euros in funding from Paris Region in 2019.
The film required 40 days of filming and 35 weeks of post-production.
Karine Viard interprets Louise, who has been hired as a babysitter by a young Parisian couple (Leïla Bekhti and Antoine Reinartz), and whose psychological equilibrium seems to be gradually tipping over into madness. The producers collaborated with Le Labo and the Compagnie Générale des effets Spéciaux for this film. The director Lucie Borleteau made a name for herself in 2016 for her film Fidelio, Alice's Oddyssey.

With Proxima, Alice Winocour, who received a 2013 César nomination for her first feature film Augustine, fulfills a childhood dream by filming the life of an astronaut during her preparations before her first mission to Mars. Like Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, where the issue was the inner journey of a character rather than his or her destination, Proxima shows us the transformation of a woman (played by Eva Green) into a "superhero" who is ready to face space.

Financed to the tune of 400,000 euros by the Paris Region council (2017), the film is the result of a collaboration between the director and two producers: Isabelle Madelaine (Dharamsala ) and Emilie Tisné (Darius Films). It required 11 months of post-production and mobilized many technical companies from Paris region: Archipel for the film editing, Hal for the sound editing, Mikros Image for the VFX, Purple Sound for mixing, as well as the laboratories Ike No Koi for rush processing, calibration, DCP manufacturing and Hiventy for the mastering, subtitling, SDH & AD...