As part of the government's France 2030 investment plan, Culture Minister Rima Abdul Malak revealed the names of the winners of the "La Grande Fabrique de l'Image" call for projects, coordinated by the Centre National du Cinéma, on May 23, 2023.
Paris Region is a major leader in its field, thanks to its high-quality infrastructure, excellent training courses and the skilled professionals who live and work there. Of the 68 projects selected, 40% are backed by companies based in Paris or Paris Region, thus highlighting the Region's strategic importance in film and audiovisual production, as well as its strengths in terms of innovation and ecological transition.
Paris Region's 26 award-winning structures are involved in the production of films and series at every stage, thus ensuring Paris Region's undisputed leadership in Europe. Thanks to this massive investment, Paris Region will witness the development of integrated ecosystems over the next few years, rivaling international film production and digital creation standards in terms of innovation and ecology.
This national investment plan will also allow Paris Region to create jobs and enhance the Region's attractiveness for film professionals and tourists alike, who each year draw inspiration from the works shown in cinemas and on screens when choosing their vacation destinations.
Intelligent film production sets
The France 2030 investment plan aims to bring about an industrial leap for film production studios located in Paris and Paris Region, in order to meet the growing demand for content. The aim is to be able to offer a better, more modern service for film productions, for both indoor and backlot filming.
Bailly Studios
A new studio that creates synergies with local stakeholders
The innovative Bailly Studios project aims to create an ambitious film production and audiovisual hub in Paris Region. This infrastructure, the only one of its kind in Europe, will include 12 film production sets, 161,459 sq. ft. of workshops and an innovation laboratory.
With this project, founder Remi Préchac aims to create an intelligent and innovative studio, both technically and ecologically. Anticipating current and future requirements, Bailly Studios will combine several key services for film production professionals, and will allow for the reconciliation of time optimization and ecology, thanks to an energy reduction and circular economy approach, including the setting up of a recycling center and improved waste processing.
Thanks to its strategic location at the outskirts of Paris, in the Seine-et-Marne region, and its excellent multimodal connections, this project will make a major contribution to the Region's attractiveness and economic development, with the creation of nearly 3,500 direct and indirect jobs, and the development of a training program in the film industry.
Other winning film production studios:
Discover the other Paris Region film production studios that have been selected as part of the France 2030 program:
- Studios de Bry - Bry-sur-Marne
- Studios de la Montjoie - Saint-Denis
- TSF Studios 77 - Coulommiers
- Dark Matters - Tigery
Bailly Studios
Discover the project
From post-production studios to the avant-garde
Paris Region is home to 5 award-winning digital production studios. The selected projects, imbued with an innovative dynamic, are at the forefront of the challenges posed by artificial intelligence and real-time technologies.
Winning post-production studios:
- Unit Image - Effets spéciaux – Paris
- Polyson Post-Production – Paris
- Titra Film - Paris
Poly Son
Discover the services offered by this innovative post-production company, located in the heart of Paris.
Animation at its best
In the animation eco-system, both fast-growing creative structures and long-established stakeholders have been selected, with the aim of establishing France on a lasting international footing.
Fortiche Production
A company that combines animation and ecology
- What are the major challenges awaiting the animation industry in 2030?
Hervé Dupont, Executive Vice-President (HD): France is now the world's third-largest animation producer, and our talents are in great demand worldwide. The ambition of La Grande Fabrique de l'Image, an initiative launched as part of the France 2030 project, is to allow France to develop its filmmaking capabilities, both quantitatively and qualitatively, in order to keep our international partners and attract new ones. To achieve this, we need to consolidate the industry by supporting companies in strategic (re)structuring and developing our schools and training courses. But there is also an ecological issue at stake, since one of the plan's ambitions is to make France the world leader in terms of eco-responsible production and reducing the carbon footprint of its production.
- How are you preparing for this? What is your company's contribution to the industry's ecological transition?
HD : With regard to the development of our business, we are developing new projects with Riot Games, our current main partner. Thanks to the success of Arcane, which is broadcast on Netflix, we're developing ambitious plans for our future collaboration. We are also being approached by new international partners, and we aim to develop our own projects as executive producers.
With regard to ecological transition, we have been working for several years with the company Qarnot, which specializes in recycling the energy generated by production activities. The machines that calculate some of our images are located outside our premises, and produce heat directly on sites that need it. Fortiche is also involved in the first carbon calculator for the animation sector, which is currently being developed by the AnimFrance union. Our studio has tested the first versions of the tool, and is working with the project team to support the tool's deployment and the integration of the uses and requirements of animation production. Ultimately, Fortiche's ambition is to adopt as many eco-production recommendations as possible in order to reduce the environmental impact of its activities as much as possible.
- Why do you think Paris Region is a land of opportunity?
HD : First and foremost, as is the case for much of the audiovisual industry, animation has traditionally developed in Paris Region: most of the know-how and skills are here, both in terms of creative and technical profiles, on the in-house team side, and in terms of external partners and service providers. Paris Region is a real breeding ground for talent and has the densest network of companies in the audiovisual sector. Last but not least, there are also plenty of resources to help us meet the new challenges that face our sector, be they technological or ecological: our Region is a real breeding ground for start-ups and entrepreneurs who are eager to take on the challenges of the future.
Other winning post-production studios:
Discover the other Paris Region animation companies that have been selected as part of the France 2030 program:
- Xilam Animation – Paris
- Mikros Images - Paris
- Miam! Animation - Paris
- Superprod - Paris
Leading region for animation
Paris and Paris Region alone account for over 43% of the animation films and series produced in France. Discover the key figures and the grants available.
Green and inclusive training organizations
In terms of training, Impact was the most important factor in the choice of winners, with the aim of renewing imaginations and proposing scenarios rooted in the issues of today's world.
A long-standing benchmark for ecology
- What projects does Ecoprod propose as part of La Grande Fabrique de l'Image?
Ecoprod has been providing training in eco-responsibility for professionals and students in the film and audiovisual industries for many years. As part of the project supported by the Grande Fabrique de l'Image, we wanted to reinforce this essential action by creating modules that can be adapted and integrated into training courses for different audiovisual professions. With our partners, we are in the process of creating some twenty training courses, with environmental modules that are specifically designed by profession or department, for example for post-production, VFX, set design, directing, scriptwriting, etc. To build these courses, we have created partnerships with a wide variety of schools. These include ARTFX, La Fémis, BTS Prévert and Kourtrajmé, as well as continuing education institutions such as INA, ESRA and CIFAP. These schools will act as pilots to test the modules and adapt them to the needs of the field in 2024. Then, at the start of the 2024 academic year, these courses will be available to all organizations that request them.
We are also developing an online platform that will allow alumni and trainers to network, and provide regularly updated teaching resources.
Lastly, we also plan to develop broader training courses, such as ecomanager, i.e. the person responsible for ensuring that ecological practices are followed throughout the creation of an audiovisual work. Eventually, it will be useful to have this profession recognized.
- How will this appointment positively impact the structure and the wider Paris Region film ecosystem?
Ecoprod's project for the Grande Fabrique de l'image is in line with the organization's public-interest mission, and reinforces it. The wide deployment of training modules meets a clearly identified need to develop a network of professionals with training in eco-responsible practices in the audiovisual and cinematographic sectors. Having more and more professionals skilled in these areas will enable for better control and, ultimately, the reduction of the sector's environmental impact.
A large number of best practices have been identified. In fact, they are listed in the Ecoprod guides and in the criteria to be met to obtain the Ecoprod label. This label allows for the identification and certification of eco-produced works, with Afnor Certification.
Developing training courses in eco-production will help to deploy the best practices outlined in the Ecoprod Label guidelines in the field. The criteria are extremely varied: all professions must be involved in taking environmental issues into account. Trade-specific training courses are therefore essential to acquire the skills needed to implement an eco-production approach.
Ecoprod is set up all over France and has an international reach. However, given the very high concentration of audiovisual companies in Paris Region, the project will have a particular impact there. Moreover, a large number of our partner schools are based there. Paris Region has long been involved in eco-production issues: the Region has introduced an eco-bonus for the most environmentally-friendly productions, and Choose Paris Region is a founding member of Ecoprod.
Find out about the upcoming training courses provided by the Ecoprod organization and sign up on their site.
Nouvelles Écritures
A new free and inclusive scriptwriting school in Seine-Saint-Denis
Based in Saint-Ouen, Seine-Saint-Denis, just outside Paris, the organization Nouvelles Écritures aims to foster equal opportunities in the audiovisual sector. The organization provides free series script training as well as an introduction to audiovisual professions. It offers an apprenticeship opportunity with no diploma barriers, thus allowing a wide range of talented young people to enter the film and audiovisual industry.
With a circular philosophy, the Nouvelles Ecritures school offers young students the chance to meet working graduates and qualified professionals, thus fostering the emergence of a quality network for these future scriptwriters.
The ultimate aim is to encourage the emergence of new narratives, which are more faithful to the diversity and reality of our times. Integrating the La Grande Fabrique de l'Image program will allow the organization to increase its intake capacity over the coming years, and reinforce its mission of inclusion.
Nouvelles Ecritures
Find out more about the school, its training program and registration dates.
Other award-winning training organizations:
Discover the other film and audiovisual training organizations in Paris region that have been selected as part of the France 2030 program:
- INA, Projet Studio Campus - Bry-sur-Marne
- Cité des Arts Visuels - Montfermeil
- ESRA - Paris
- ENS Louis Lumière - Saint-Denis
- La Fémis - Paris
4 digital training organizations with premises in Paris Region were also selected following the France 2030 call for projects:
- Institut Georges Méliès – Orly
- Simplon.Co – Montreuil
- Creative Handicap - Asnières / Nanterre
- Artfx - Paris